Workplace Persona # 1 - Fancy Framework Fran

Introducing Workplace Personas! These are people you might know around the workplace. Their personas are real but the names are fake. Or are they?!? See if you know…. or might be one of the personas in the workplace.

You may know a Fran.

Fran is smart and ambitious.

Fran is too smart and too ambitious.

Fran has done her research.

Fran has put structure to her ideas.

Fran has a framework, it’s fancy.

You know Fancy Framework Fran (FFF).

A Meeting with FFF

A meeting with FFF:

Fran has setup a meeting to spread the gospel of her framework. You accept because you like Fran. You’ve been there long enough to be jaded, and Fran’s youthful naïveté is cute. Naivete is also very enjoyable to squash. To watch the energy be sucked out of Fran’s eyeballs will be pure bliss. Especially before lunch.

The meeting starts and so does your inner monologue. Best to keep the inappropriate thoughts to yourself.

Fran: “Did you do anything fun this weekend?!?” Said with much pep.

Inner You: No, Fran. I did nothing fun this weekend. I have kids, and value the stability of this job. Fun is not in my vocabulary after kid number three.

Actual You: “No”

Inner You: I am enjoying watching Fran’s brain break that someone could be so content with a one word answer. Yes. The silence is already making her squirm. I enjoy the silence. Fran does not.

Fran: “Well let’s get started. Do you understand the value of the framework?”

Actual You: “I don’t yet, but I’m interested.”

Inner You: No, Fran. To be honest I don’t understand the value of your fancy framework. And to be frank, if I may, I’m not in a place to accept new ideas. My brain is full, and I am incapable of change.

Fran: “Well at my last company, we used this framework to change how everyone thought. It was very effective.”

Dall-E imagines what Fran looks likes.

Inner You: Oh Fran. I know your fancy framework worked well at your past, much better, smarter, more competent employer. They were smart. We are dumb. But I’m sure you’ll be able to convert all of us, once we see the light. Jesus Christ.

Actual You: “Oh that’s, great. So there is hope!”

Fran: “Great, did you attend my presentation last week? Just want to know where we should start. “

Inner You: “Oh Fran. Don’t you know? If someone isn’t on camera, that means they don’t give a shit. And anything, I mean ANYTHING is better than watching a presentation on frameworks.

Actual You: “Yes, I caught most of it. Let’s just review the key concepts.”

Fran: “Great. They key takeaways are to think of product development as Jobs-to-be-done, and outcomes as what users want to achieve by using our product. Wordy. But once you get it, you really do grok it.”

Inner You: Grok? WTF. Seriously?!? This is going to be worse than I thought. Need to start thinking of ways to get out of here ASAP.

Actual You: “Let’s just do a quick review of the jobs? Like Steve Jobs right?!?”

Fran: “Ha, no, that’s funny. JTBD is Clayton Christensen’s work. Basically, users hire a product to do a job for them. So the best question to ask is, what job is our product doing for users?

Actual You: “Oh, I get that.”

Inner You: Uhhh…. How should I know what users want with our product? The only thing I want is to hire someone to get me out of here. Fast. And maybe in a way that doesn’t hurt Fran’s feelings. But mainly fast.

Fran: “I know right?!? Totally opens your mind. “

Actual You: “Yup, just like Huayasca.”

Inner You: Probably shouldn’t have said that. I mean she giggled. That’s good. But really showing my true colors here. Like the pinks, violets and shimmering glimmering stars of my last Huayasca trip.

Actual You: “Hey, I’m sorry, my phone is ringing, do you mind if I answer this?”

Fran: “Not a problem”

Inner You: This framework did click. I’m hiring a lie to get me out of here. Wait for 60 seconds then pop back on camera.

…60 seconds pass…

Actual You: “Hey Fran. I hate to say this, but my kid is sick and I need to pick them up from daycare. Before they vomit more than they already have. We’ll have to follow up later. “

Inner You: None of this is true. But the vomit is a nice touch. Always go one step further with a lie than you feel comfortable with, much more believable.

Fran: “ Oh I’m sorry to hear that. Of course, let’s reschedule. Hope your kiddo gets better fast”

**Actual You:** “Thanks, and I was just starting to grok it. Talk soon.”

Inner You: I hate to say it. But I did learn about jobs to be done. Damn it Fran. Your fancy framework might be beneficial after all.


Workplace Persona #2 - Maniacal Metrics Manny


Introducing Barely Workin’