Introducing Barely Workin’


“What would you say you do here?”

That infamous question posed by the Bob’s in Office Space has really become a thorn in my side.

Originally I laughed. “Ha ha ha, who wouldn’t know what they’re doing at work?!? That’s hysterical!”

Lately I ponder, “What would I say? Do I know what am I doing here? Why am I here? Is what I’m doing working for me?”

And out of nothing, the answer found me.

“Me? I’m barely workin’ here".

Ouch. I said that with too much confidence.

And yet it fits. It really fits.

It’s a concept I like.

Barely Workin’ is a concept that is incriminating, honest and if you can believe it, inspiring.

Barely Workin’ is incriminating. I put in a “soft 20” hours of work for a full time job. I work half the time and the time I’m working I’m half there. A soft 20. I’m bored, uninspired, flippant, frustrated and still getting it done. I’m barely working.

Barely Workin’ is honest. It describes the company I work for, the tech I’ve built, and society in general. It is all barely working! It’s barely working for me, and my hunch is that it’s barely working for you.

Barely Workin’ is inspiring. It describes moments of pure creation. The feeling of being in a flow state and producing your best can only be described as barely workin’

A like the last view the best.

Here’s to Barely Workin’, a fun, effortless take on the state of the world.


Workplace Persona # 1 - Fancy Framework Fran