Krazy Honest Karl

Karl manages to look dumb but sound smart, and weasel his way into your good graces.


Let me introduce you to Karl.

Karl spells his name with a K. That’s Krazy.

Karl’s voice is an octave higher than you want to hear.

Karl is brutally honest yet strangely likable.

Karl’s aura is an autistic buddha.

Karl is genuine and he grows on you.

Now you know Krazy Honest Karl.

You know KHK.


Observation #1: Oh my god, that voice. It pierces your soul and rattles your brain. Anything. Do anything to make it stop.

Observation #2: KHK could easily be 43 or 12. You don’t want to ask what he does on the weekends, cause you won’t believe it anyway. Video games until 3 am? Sleepovers? Trip to the zoo or the museum? Or curling up with a cat and reading Homer? All are equally probable.

Observation #3: KHK is a genius in a fool’s body. The jury is out on whether this is all an act. The honest, the niceties, the pack of donuts on Fridays for “Giving it your all”.

Observation #4: KHK is a sponge. He soaks up everything from office gossip, a quick look from boss to secretary, and that hazelnut coffee creamer spill in the kitchen. Karl knows exactly who is responsible for what, and doesn’t use it to his advantage.

Observation #5: KHK says what he thinks and doesn’t get fired. Legend. Karl can tell anyone what he thinks at anytime. “Nah, this meeting sucks.”, “That all hands was cringe-worthy.” “Pro-nouns make no sense”. “You need to eat more than carrots and blueberries to shed those pounds”. And somehow, nothing happens. Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t have a perverted bone in his body. Karl’s honest and a legend.


Next Step Nadine


Workplace Persona # 9 - Precisely Pedantic Peter